Counselling Services


Services are available online throughout British Columbia and in-person in Vancouver, BC.

Individual Therapy

Individuals come to counselling for many reasons – a significant life change, a crisis or conflict in a relationship, workplace stress, depression or anxiety, or simply “feeling stuck.” I offer a space in which you can explore challenging questions and gain new skills.

The foundation of any effective therapy is the relationship between the client and the therapist, and research confirms that this relationship is the single most important factor in the success of therapy. “It’s the relationship that heals,” writes existential therapist, Irvin Yalom.

* Individual Counselling Therapy is not age restricted though minors will need the consent of legal guardians to access sessions.

    • Anxiety and depression

    • Chronic stress and burn out

    • Fear, shame, and guilt

    • Low self-esteem/confidence

    • Emotion regulation and expression

    • Complex trauma

    • Self-harm, suicidal thinking, and ‘obsessive’ thinking

    • ADHD and neurodivergency

    • Relational intimacy

    • Grief and loss

    • Chronic pain and chronic illness

    • End of life counselling

    • Cultural identity

    • Sexualilty or gender identity

    • Ancestral healing and intergenerational patterns

    • Life transitions

    • Existential issues, meaning, and purpose

Couples/Relationship Therapy

I work with couples as well as other relationship structures, and welcome couples of all sexual, gender, and romantic orientations. Couples come into counselling for a variety of reasons. Whether you’re entering a new relationship, seeking to revitalize a long-term partnership, or needing help to navigate a break-up, relationship counselling can help you to engage one another with greater clarity and intention. Whatever brought you here, couples counselling helps to repair your relational wounds.

When working with couples, I aim to provide a neutral, supportive space where you can take risks and explore new ways of talking to each other. Relationships are ever-evolving. Sometimes a present third party can help to make sense of where you are at and where you are heading.

    • Create connection

    • Rekindle desire

    • Communicate to feel seen, heard, and understood

    • Avoid blame, defensiveness, criticism, and contempt

    • Navigate life transitions

    • Have frank discussions about sex and sexuality

    • Work through trust issues and affair recovery

    • Conflict management

    • Set practical and respectful boundaries

    • Gain clarity

Family Therapy

I support families in all shapes, sizes, and formations. Family therapy allows members to speak and be heard in a supportive therapeutic container in order to resolve conflict and experience understanding, connection, and growth.

* All children that need to be seen individually, will need to be seen in some form of family therapy as well.

    • Parent-child conflict

    • Sibling conflict

    • Boundary setting

    • Strategies for blended families

    • Financial distress and money trauma

    • Adult child caregivers of aging parent(s)

    • LGB2STQIA+ support

    • Anger issues

    • ADHD and neurodivergency in family members

    • Grief and loss

    • Navigating life transitions

    • Practical tools for parenting

    • Intergenerational trauma

    • Release and reframe old patterns

What You Can Expect In Your First Session

  • My office is a calm, comfortable, and inviting place for your self-exploration.

  • I will ask you to tell me about yourself, and talk about your goals and expectations for the counselling process.

  • I may offer you tools to address your issues or questions and homework to think about on your own.

  • I will always encourage you to ask questions or give me feedback about your experience in our sessions.

  • You are an expert: I am an expert. I bring my training, expertise, and competence as a counsellor to support you. You are the expert of your own life and experiences.


Individual Session
(50 minutes) — $150 + GST
(75 minutes) — $210 + GST

Relationship (Couples/Family) Session
(50 minutes) — $170 + GST
(75 minutes) — $230 + GST

Sliding Scale: I offer a sliding scale to a limited number of clients who encounter barriers to accessing counselling services. These spaces are currently waitlisted. 

Terms & Conditions:
48-hour cancellation policy in effect. Payment is due in full without exception if appointments are missed or cancelled within less than 48-hours.

As a Registered Clinical Counsellor (RCC #23244), my services are generally covered by extended benefits plans, and I provide an emailed receipt to be submitted to your benefits provider. Please contact your benefits provider directly to confirm your coverage.   

Methods of Payment  
Credit card and e-transfers accepted.